若沒有奉差遣,怎能傳道呢? 如經上所記: 「報福音、傳喜信的人,他們的腳蹤何等佳美!」
羅馬書 10章 15節
BACBC WMLT (World Missions Leadership Team - Missions Committee) encourages people to look beyond themselves and to realize that we are a part of the larger community known as the world. From raising funds for earthquake, tsunami and hurricane victims, to joining up with Habitat for Humanity to build homes for the poor, to organizing groups to represent the hope of Christ through Short-Term Missions, our church seeks to minister and serve those in the San Francisco Bay Area and beyond.
Missions Education Fund (MEF) - There are opportunities to learn and be challenged in the area of missions through attending conferences (like Urbana Conference), workshops, and classes like Perspectives. The MEF was set up to help those with a financial need to be able to participate in these opportunities. If you are interested, email missions@bacbc.org for more information.
IBrian 和 Faith Janssen 繼續透過以下方式為大學生服務:堂會 活動以及在福音中心舉辦活動。由於台灣的政治和經濟形勢,許多學生在面對未來並尋找一個安全的社區來分享和找到歸屬感時遇到了心理健康問題。