Missions Focus: BWGI (Becoming What God Intended) - Dr. David Eckman

Get to know the missionaries that BACBC supports through our Great Commission Fund. For over 40 years, our seminars, books, and online Bible studies based on the life work of Dr. David Eckman have helped tens of thousands of believers around the world experience the healthy spiritual, emotional, and relational life that God intends for you. Based out of Pleasanton, BWGI prepares curriculum, holds workshops throughout the world to groups from churches to universities. Their passion and ministry is to help people know God & experience spiritual growth and transformation.

One such virtual workshop begins on September 17-March 4, 2021, every Thursday from 7-9 PM via zoom. Head to Heart Discipleship series is a transformational, 22-week small group program which has helped many to experience God’s love and truth, practice healthy emotions and relationships, and process your life in the context of the Trinity. www.head2heart.org/register. There are also free videos and testimonies you may read and watch. Read more by downloading the newsletter.


Missions Focus: Support Circle, Bay Area


Mission Focus: Bay Area Community