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凱西·方。 凱西·方。

Missions Focus: Dr. David Eckman - BWGI

Becoming What God Intended (US, World) – In the latter half of 2021, BWGI completed their BC105 Skills for Living course. They launched another BC103 Head to Heart course with six small groups and 42 people in September.

凱西·方。 凱西·方。

Missions Focus: BWGI (Becoming What God Intended) - Dr. David Eckman

Get to know the missionaries that BACBC supports through our Great Commission Fund. For over 40 years, our seminars, books, and online Bible studies based on the life work of Dr. David Eckman have helped tens of thousands of believers around the world experience the healthy spiritual, emotional, and relational life that God intends for you.
