- Amelia Sun 1
- 袁詠儀 阿拉伯數位
- BACBC 愛心基金 1 個
- BACBC Missionaries 2
- BWGI 3
- Bay Area 1
- Brian & Faith Janssen 6
- 構建未來 1 個
- 華人聖經 任務 10
- Chinese Christian Herald Crusades 1
- 中國基督教宣道會 10
- 中國基督教宣教團 1
- Christine Okimura 1
- Christmas Offering 1
- 教會 世界各地 27
- 城市之光聖經 教會 1
- 戴夫和佩吉·帕爾迪尼 1 個
- Derek 和 Chelsea Jung 12
- David Eckman博士 6
- 大衛·帕爾迪尼博士 1
- Elijah Ren 2
- F&K的 4
Foster the Bay1。
- 培育城市 3
- 印度之友網路2
- 全球之門 7
- 國際語言學中心 1
- J&D 7
- 吉姆和桑迪斯派曼 3
- Johnny Yue 3
- Jonathan Chan 1
- Joyful Noise Xpress 6
- 王國米 7
- 拉裡和凱薩琳·利奇 7
- Lillian L 1
- 莉蓮·路易 1 個
- 地方事工2
- 本地工作機會 1
- 馬特林田3
- Matt and Ashley Yuen 2
- 馬修·林田 1
- 事工機會 阿拉伯數位
- 聾人部 2
- Oakland Missionio DeiOakland 7
- 傳教士神父 1
- 任務 234
- 特派團報告 1
- 宣教團隊 阿拉伯數位
- 全國收養意識 1
任務焦點:布萊恩和費斯·楊森 - 臺灣,OMF
布萊恩和菲絲·楊森於 2021 年 7 月至 2022 年 6 月在華盛頓州溫哥華進行家庭任務。夏天,他們拜訪了不列顛哥倫比亞省溫哥華的家人和朋友;華盛頓州柯克蘭;和新澤西州。
Missions Focus: Brian & Faith Janssen
During the past year, the Janssens have been actively serving on three university campuses and their Gospel Center. Brian led a new ministry to university students in Northern Kaohsiung area. He also provided pastoral care for OMF missionaries in the southern region of Taiwan.
Missions Focus: Brian & Faith Janssen, OMF, Taiwan
Brian and Faith Janssen have been serving in Taiwan for over 8 years, Faith was a former CCS teacher, Brian taught at Redwood Christian Schools. Their mission is to reach university students through English Clubs, Bible Studies, and outreach events at their community Gospel Life Center
Missions Focus: Brian & Faith Janssen (Abby, Nathan), Taiwan, OMF
Brian and Faith Janssen continue their ministry to university students in the northern Kaohsiung area. In the last semester, they were allowed back on three different university campuses. On two campuses they run English clubs.
Missions Focus: Brian & Faith Janssen, OMF, Kaosiung, Taiwan
Recent Email from them: "Praise God for a core group of students who come out to Sunday fellowship. Please pray for various outreach activities in December such as craft nights, outdoor activities, and the Christmas Party.