凱西·方。 凱西·方。

Missions Focus: Global Gates

傑森·亞當斯-布朗(Jason Adams-Brown)是全球蓋茨的西海岸代表,他繼續為阿富汗人提供支援 教會 在 Fremont.這包括向阿富汗社區伸出援手,並幫助難民家庭安頓下來並適應 灣區.

凱西·方。 凱西·方。

Missions Focus: Tim and Tess Fortescue - Global Gates

Their update is themed around "order, disorder, reorder" which is explained in the update. God has used the recent disorder brought by Covid-19--a global pandemic, political and social upheaval in our country and around the world to uproot the Fortescue and place them in different related ministries in a different state where they are thriving and stretching their faith.

凱西·方。 凱西·方。

Missions Focus: Global Gates

Jason Brown replaced Tim Fortescue last year as the Director of Global Gates, West Coast. One of the projects that Jason set up was collaborating with local Afghan families and several churches in San Ramon, CA to put together kitchen kits for newly arriving Afghan refugee families.

凱西·方。 凱西·方。


全球門(美國西海岸)——蒂姆·福特斯庫(Tim Fortescue)在過去的六個月里一直專注於在休假後重新參與事工。他還一直與當地阿富汗的牧師密切合作。 教會.
