凱西·方。 凱西·方。

宣教焦點:Rainbow Missions International (RM China, Asia)

Rainbow Missions 專注於支援患有自閉症、失明和大腦麻痺的兒童及其家庭。他們的使命宣言包括以下內容:"我們的動力來自耶穌基督的榜樣,祂在祂的時代愛殘障人士並給予幫助。我們尋求為他們提供身體、心理和靈性上的支持與關懷,為他們帶來光明未來的希望"。

凱西·方。 凱西·方。

Missions Focus: Rainbow Missions

Although workers were not able to travel to Asia to visit the beloved children with disabilities and the visually impaired college students, they were able to keep in touch with them electronically. They were also able to provide loving physical as well as spiritual care and support through local volunteers.

凱西·方。 凱西·方。

Missions Focus: Rainbow Missions

They have been unable to travel to China to visit beloved young children with disabilities, their families, visually impaired college students and others with whom they have developed relationships over the years. They however were able to keep in touch electronically and provide loving physical and spiritual care and support through local volunteers.
