- Amelia Sun 1
- 袁詠儀 阿拉伯數位
- BACBC Compassion Fund 1
- BACBC Missionaries 2
- BWGI 3
- Bay Area 1
- Brian & Faith Janssen 6
- 構建未來 1 個
- 華人聖經 任務 10
- Chinese Christian Herald Crusades 1
- 中國基督教宣道會 10
- 中國基督教宣教團 1
- Christine Okimura 1
- Christmas Offering 1
- 教會 世界各地 27
- 城市之光聖經 教會 1
- 戴夫和佩吉·帕爾迪尼 1 個
- Derek 和 Chelsea Jung 12
- David Eckman博士 6
- 大衛·帕爾迪尼博士 1
- Elijah Ren 2
- F&K的 4
Foster the Bay1。
- 培育城市 3
- 印度之友網路2
- 全球之門 7
- 國際語言學中心 1
- J&D 7
- 吉姆和桑迪斯派曼 3
- Johnny Yue 3
- Jonathan Chan 1
- Joyful Noise Xpress 6
- 王國米 7
- 拉裡和凱薩琳·利奇 7
- Lillian L 1
- 莉蓮·路易 1 個
- 地方事工2
- 本地工作機會 1
- 馬特林田3
- Matt and Ashley Yuen 2
- 馬修·林田 1
- 事工機會 阿拉伯數位
- 聾人部 2
- Oakland Missionio DeiOakland 7
- 傳教士神父 1
- 任務 235
- 特派團報告 1
- 宣教團隊 阿拉伯數位
- 全國收養意識 1
Church Update and Encouragement
我最近讀完了 Sanjay Gupta 醫生的一本著作《 保持敏銳 Keep Sharp 》。 雖然他是一位相信進化論者,這本書卻能領我們對人類的大腦進入引人入勝的探索。 他甚至說,沒有任何電腦或人工智能 AI 能夠取代人的大腦。 聽起來到像是一個對造物主的證明!
Missions Focus: Lillian L, educator, language development
Lillian has continued to use her gifts and passions to teach language development to children from families who are involved in cross-cultural work. She has now moved to Alameda as her work continues online. Her role supports the families who are working in language development for people groups in Asia who still need help.
Missions Focus: J&D, preparing for creative access work in 2021-22, Southeast Asia
J&D熟悉 BACBC 事工.J多年前在CCS任教,然後嫁給了D。 D 長大於 BACBC 正如她的父母所參加的那樣 BACBC 在她和她的兄弟姐妹出生之前。
Missions Focus: Christine Okimura, InterVarsity Christian Fellowship, Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo
Christine attended BACBC until she started college; her mom and sister still attend BACBC. She has been serving part-time at InterVarsity (IV) since she graduated from college last year.
Missions Focus: Becoming What God Intended, Dr. David Eckman
These updates remind us that the church or its ministries are not confined to walls or buildings. In the past several months, BWGI has ministered in Uganda, Australia, Canada, China, Hong Kong, Singapore and 12 states within the USA in three different languages.