凱西·方。 凱西·方。

宣教焦點:Tom & Penny Latham,巴西

浸信會世界宣教團(巴西)——在過去六個月的一部分時間里,湯姆和佩妮·萊瑟姆不得不做他們的 教會 由於 COVID-19 而在臉書上的服務。然後禁令被解除,他們現在可以在一次會議中最多有 30 人。

凱西·方。 凱西·方。

Missions Focus: Brian & Faith Janssen, OMF, Taiwan

Brian and Faith Janssen have been serving in Taiwan for over 8 years, Faith was a former CCS teacher, Brian taught at Redwood Christian Schools. Their mission is to reach university students through English Clubs, Bible Studies, and outreach events at their community Gospel Life Center
