- Amelia Sun 1
- 袁詠儀 阿拉伯數位
- BACBC 愛心基金 1 個
- BACBC Missionaries 2
- BWGI 3
- Bay Area 1
- Brian & Faith Janssen 6
- 構建未來 1 個
- 華人聖經 任務 10
- Chinese Christian Herald Crusades 1
- 中國基督教宣道會 10
- 中國基督教宣教團 1
- Christine Okimura 1
- Christmas Offering 1
- 教會 世界各地 27
- 城市之光聖經 教會 1
- 戴夫和佩吉·帕爾迪尼 1 個
- Derek 和 Chelsea Jung 12
- David Eckman博士 6
- 大衛·帕爾迪尼博士 1
- Elijah Ren 2
- F&K的 4
Foster the Bay1。
- 培育城市 3
- 印度之友網路2
- 全球之門 7
- 國際語言學中心 1
- J&D 7
- 吉姆和桑迪斯派曼 3
- Johnny Yue 3
- Jonathan Chan 1
- Joyful Noise Xpress 6
- 王國米 7
- 拉裡和凱薩琳·利奇 7
- Lillian L 1
- 莉蓮·路易 1 個
- 地方事工2
- 本地工作機會 1
- 馬特林田3
- Matt and Ashley Yuen 2
- 馬修·林田 1
- 事工機會 阿拉伯數位
- 聾人部 2
- Oakland Missionio DeiOakland 7
- 傳教士神父 1
- 任務 234
- 特派團報告 1
- 宣教團隊 阿拉伯數位
- 全國收養意識 1
Missions Focus: Silver Lining Missions (Asia); Missio Dei Oakland (East Bay)
Both ministries have a passion to share God's love and the Good News to those who might be marginalized or underserved by the general population and their local and national government hierarchy.
Missions Focus: New Ministry Organization to BACBC: Joyful Noise Xpress, Anthony & Isabella Chan
快樂的噪音 Xpress(jnX)是一個宣教組織。他們使用 崇拜 以及音樂訓練,説明信徒培養討神喜悅的敬拜生活。
Missions Focus: Church Around the World, February 2022
Monthly newsletter, Church Around the World is available online and in the MC Lobby for February. Articles include how to Help Someone Who is Hurting, Ugandan Pastor Killed for Proclaiming Christ, Iranian Christians around the world are reading the Bible, and Myanmar Military burns down a church and an entire village.
Missions Focus: J&D, OMF, creative access region
歡迎來到新的一年!正如亞伯蘭聽到全能者告訴他收拾行裝走一樣,他們也覺得上帝在說是時候讓他們搬家走了。他們本來已經準備好提前離開,但由於 Covid 和簽證的不確定性,他們兩次推遲了休假時間!
Missions Focus: Paradise Short Term Missions Trip, October 2021
The team left for Paradise CA, which was devastated by the 2018 Camp Fire October 24 until Friday. October 29, 2021. Our BACBC team consisted of: Jody Wong, Dennis Ong and Alicia Lu
Missions Focus: Church Around the World, January 2022
本月的 教會 世界各地都有關於以下方面的短文:
巴基斯坦教會擔心塔利班從附近的阿富汗發動襲擊; 中國共產黨對中國教會的壓力; YouVersion 聖經應用程式正在與聖經翻譯組 IllumiNations 合作;數十名基督徒在奈及利亞被殺,阿富汗的迫害加劇。