凱西·方。 凱西·方。

任務重點:歡樂的噪音 Xpress (jnx)

在陳安東尼牧師的帶領下,jnX服侍了5個教會。 灣區 (包括 BACBC Alameda)在上半年。他們的事工包括講道和帶領 崇拜 在主日崇拜中,分享見證 教會 團契 活動和進行 崇拜 涵蓋心臟和技術問題的培訓研討會。

凱西·方。 凱西·方。

Missions Focus: Church Around the World

This month's newsletter has these prayer prompts: "Thank you, Lord, for Pastor Andimi. Like Isaac, his obedience and trust were larger than his fear and he chose faithfulness no matter the cost. Bless the families of all martyred Christian pastors.
