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Church Update and Encouragement


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Missions Focus: Support Circle, Bay Area

Support Circle is sharing a series of seven special stories of hope. Here’s part of what has been shared: “Gina,” only 18, was scared and felt alone when she realized she was pregnant. In her mind, abortion was the only option. When her boyfriend was supportive of her keeping the baby, she went to Support Circle for more information.

凱西·方。 凱西·方。

Missions Focus: BWGI (Becoming What God Intended) - Dr. David Eckman

Get to know the missionaries that BACBC supports through our Great Commission Fund. For over 40 years, our seminars, books, and online Bible studies based on the life work of Dr. David Eckman have helped tens of thousands of believers around the world experience the healthy spiritual, emotional, and relational life that God intends for you.

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Church Update and Encouragement

希望您喜歡我們的新網站(bacbc.org)!我們最近的絕大多數客人都是通過我們的網站找到我們的,因此它是外展的戰略工具,特別是因為我們無法親自舉辦 崇拜 此時的服務。

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Church Update and Encouragement

