凱西·方。 凱西·方。

Missions Focus: Global Gates

Our missionaries, Tim & Tessa Fortescue, are with Global Gates but are on Sabbatical. We wanted to share some of the concerns other Global Gates team members are facing, how they are responding to the pandemic and other mission opportunities or areas you may not have considered or thought to make part of your prayer life.

凱西·方。 凱西·方。

Church Update and Encouragement

在過去的星期四,紅十字會在我們的教會舉辦了一次捐血活動。 這是教會第一次舉辦這樣的活動,也是我個人的第一次捐血。 我們舉辦這樣的活動是為了支持我們的社區,因為在這 COVID-19 期間,可以用作舉辦捐血的地點較少,紅十字會正面對血庫存量短缺。

凱西·方。 凱西·方。

Church Update and Encouragement


凱西·方。 凱西·方。

Missions Focus: Showers of Blessing Evangelistic Ministry

October Missions Highlight: Showers of Blessing Evangelistic Ministry (located in Fremont, CA) reaches out to the Chinese-speaking community through media regardless of location using television, radio, internet and supports churches with DVDs, CDs, and USBs as evangelistic tools. In addition, they try to care for those they are reaching with "LifeCare Hotlines."

凱西·方。 凱西·方。

Church Update and Encouragement

在人生的旅程中旅行時,每個人都會經歷高峰和低谷,基督徒也是如此。 不同的是,作為基督徒,我們是神的兒女,
