凱西·方。 凱西·方。

任務重點:Derek & Chelsea Jung, InterVarsity

校際基督教 團契 (北加州,南俄勒岡州)——在過去的6個月里,德里克和切爾西·榮格參觀了校園,鼓勵領袖,並與合作夥伴一起祈禱,包括克拉馬斯福爾斯的一所大學。他們每周舉辦多頓飯,為學生培養社區。

凱西·方。 凱西·方。

Missions Focus: Pardini Update - Showers of Blessing Evangelistic Ministry

Dr. David Pardini (ABWE International) Dr. Dave Pardini has become the Pastor of Discipleship at Crossview Community Church in Kennewick, WA. It is a part-time position of about 5 hours per week. He helps the lead pastor prepare his sermon each week and also teaches classes and preaches once every other month.

凱西·方。 凱西·方。

Missions Focus: Chinese Christian Mission

中國基督教會是我們最忠實的宣教組織之一,每月發送有關其各個方面的更新 事工.每個月,都會對有關日常生活的一般主題進行反思
