凱西·方。 凱西·方。

任務重點: 華人聖經 使命和OMF

2023年臺灣暑期短期宣教機會 -華人聖經 Mission (CBM) 正在當地的一所美國學校(莫裡森學院)舉辦雙語 VBS,預計將有 120-150 名兒童參加。他們需要您(15-70歲)加入服務

凱西·方。 凱西·方。

Missions Focus: Tim and Tess Fortescue - Global Gates

Their update is themed around "order, disorder, reorder" which is explained in the update. God has used the recent disorder brought by Covid-19--a global pandemic, political and social upheaval in our country and around the world to uproot the Fortescue and place them in different related ministries in a different state where they are thriving and stretching their faith.
